Friday 22 June 2012


      The Proteus Design Suite is wholly unique in offering the ability to co-simulate both high and low-level micro-controller code in the context of a mixed-mode SPICE circuit simulation. With this Virtual System Modelling facility, you can transform your product design cycle, reaping huge rewards in terms of reduced time to market and lower costs of development.
        Proteus VSM was the first product to bridge the gap between schematic and PCB for embedded design, offering system level simulation of microcontroller based designs inside the schematic package itself.

        Over ten years later, Proteus VSM is still leading the field with more microcontroller variants and peripherals than any competing product, better debugging tools and instruments and a consistent focus on innovation.
        If one person designs both the hardware and the software then that person benefits as the hardware design may be changed just as easily as the software design. In larger organisations where the two roles are separated, the software designers can begin work as soon as the schematic is completed; there is no need for them to wait until a physical prototype exists.
        In short, Proteus VSM improves efficiency, quality and flexibility throughout the design process..

Circuit Simulation

        At the heart of Proteus VSM is ProSPICE. This is an established product that combines uses a SPICE3f5 analogue simulator kernel with a fast event-driven digital simulator to provide seamless mixed-mode simulation. The use of a SPICE kernel lets you utilise any of the numerous manufacturer-supplied SPICE models now available and around 6000 of these are included with the package.

        Proteus VSM includes a number of virtual instruments including an Oscilloscope, Logic Analyser,Function Generator, Pattern Generator, Counter Timer and Virtual Terminal as well as simple voltmeters and ammeters. In addition, we provide dedicated Master/Slave/Monitor mode protocol analysers for SPI and I2C - simply wire them onto the serial lines and monitor or interact with the data live during simulation. A truly invaluable (and inexpensive!) way to get your communication software right prior to hardware prototyping.  Should you wish to take detailed measurements on graphs, or perform other analysis types such as frequency, distortion, noise or sweep analyses of analogue circuits, you can purchase the Advanced Simulation Option. This option also includes Conformance Analysis - a unique and powerful tool for Software Quality Assurance.

8051 models
Microchip PIC models
PIC10 family
PIC12 family
PIC16 family - 16F84A only
PIC18 family
PIC24 family
Atmel AVR models
ATTINY family
AT90x family
ATMEGA family
ARM models
ARM7 LPC2000 family
Cortex M3 Stellaris family
Motorola HC11 models
Parallax Basic Stamp models
BS1 family
BS2 family
TI MSP430 models
TI PICCOLO TMS320 models
8086 Microprocessor models

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