Tuesday 8 January 2013

List of 4000 series integrated circuits ,www.elecdude.com

List of the CMOS 4000 series
All datasheets are taken from Datasheet Catalog
4000 - Dual 3-input NOR gate + 1 Inverter
4001 - Quad 2-input NOR gate
4002 - Dual 4-input NOR gate
4006 - 18 stage Shift register
4007 - Dual Complementary Pair Plus Inverter
4008 - 4 bit adder
4009 - Hex inverting buffer
4010 - Hex non-inverting buffer

4011 - Buffered Quad 2-Input NAND gate
4012 - Dual 4-input NAND gate
4013 - Dual D-type flip-flop
4014 - 8-stage shift register
4015 - Dual 4-stage shift register
4016 - Quad bilateral switch
4017 - Divide-by-10 counter (5-stage Johnson counter)
4018 - Presettable divide-by-n counter
4019 - Quad AND-OR Select Gate
4020 - 14-stage binary counter

4021 - 8-bit static shift register
4022 - Divide-by-8 counter (4-stage Johnson counter)
4023 - Triple 3-input NAND gate
4024 - 7-Stage Binary Ripple Counter
4025 - Triple 3-input NOR gate
4026 - BCD counter with decoded 7-segment output
4027 - Dual JK flip-flop
4028 - BCD to decimal (1-of-10) decoder
4029 - Presettable up/down counter, binary or BCD-decade
4030 - Quad XOR gate (replaced by 4070)

4031 - 64-Bit Static Shift Register
4032 - Triple serial adder
4033 - BCD counter + 7-segment decoder w/ripple blank
4034 - 8-stage bidirectional parallel or serial input/parallel output
4035 - 4-stage parallel-in/parallel-out (PIPO) with J-K input and true/complement output
4038 - Triple serial adder
4040 - 12-stage binary ripple counter

4041 - Quad true/complement buffer
4042 - Quad D-type latch
4043 - Quad NOR R/S latch
4044 - Quad NAND R/S latch (tristate output)
4045 - 21-Stage Counter
4046 - PLL with VCO
4047 - Monostable/Astable Multivibrator
4048 - Multifunctional expandable 8-input (tristate output)
4049 - Hex inverter/buffer (NOT gate)
4050 - Hex buffer/converter (non-inverting)

4051 - Analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer (1-of-8 switch)
4052 - Analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer (Dual 1-of-4 switch)
4053 - Analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer (Triple 1-of-2 switch)
4054 - 7-segment decoder/LCD driver
4055 - BCD-to-7-segment decoder/driver with "display-frequency" output
4056 - BCD-to-7-segment decoder/driver with strobed latch function
4059 - Programmable divide-by-N counter
4060 - 14-stage binary ripple counter and oscillator

4062 - Logic dual 3 majority gate
4063 - 4-bit Digital comparator
4066 - Quad Analog switch (Low "ON" Resistance)
4067 - 16-channel analogue multiplexer/demultiplexer (1-of-16 switch)
4068 - 8-input NAND gate
4069 - Hex inverter
4070 - Quad XOR gate

4071 - Quad 2-input OR gate
4072 - Dual 4-input OR gate
4073 - Triple 3-input AND gate
4075 - Triple 3-input OR gate
4076 - Quad D-type register with tristate outputs
4077 - Quad 2-input XNOR gate
4078 - 8-input NOR gate

4081 - Quad 2-input AND gate
4082 - Dual 4-input AND gate
4085 - Dual 2-wide, 2-input AND/OR invert (AOI)
4086 - Expandable 4-wide, 2-input AND/OR invert (AOI)
4089 - Binary rate multiplier
4093 - Quad 2-input Schmitt trigger NAND gate
4094 - 8-stage shift-and-store bus
4095 - Gated "J-K" (non-inverting)
4096 - Gated "J-K" (inverting and non-inverting)
4097 - Differential 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
4098 - Dual one-shot monostable
4099 - 8-bit addressable latch
4104 - Quad Low-to-High Voltage Translator with tristate outputs

4502 - Hex inverting buffer (tristate)
4503 - Hex non-inverting buffer with tristate outputs
4504 - Hex voltage level shifter for TTL-to-CMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS operation
4508 - Dual 4-bit latch with tristate outputs
4510 - Presettable 4-bit BCD up/down counter
4511 - BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver
4512 - 8-input multiplexer (data selector) with tristate output
4513 - BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver (4511 plus ripple blanking)
4514 - 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer active HIGH output
4515 - 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer active LOW output
4516 - Presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter
4517 - Dual 64-Bit Static Shift Register
4518 - Dual BCD up counter
4519 - Quad 2-input multiplexer (data selector)
4520 - Dual 4-bit binary up counter
4521 - 24-stage frequency divider
4522 - Programmable BCD divide-by-N counter
4526 - Programmable 4-bit binary down counter
4527 - BCD rate multiplier
4528 - Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator with Reset
4529 - Dual 4-channel analog
4532 - 8-bit priority encoder
4536 - Programmable Timer
4538 - Dual Retriggerable Precision Monostable Multivibrator
4539 - Dual 4-input multiplexer
4541 - Programmable Timer
4543 - BCD to 7-Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver with Phase Input
4553 - 3-digit BCD counter
4555 - Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer active HIGH output
4556 - Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer active LOW output
4557 - 1-to-64 Bit Variable Length Shift Register
4560 - NBCD adder
4566 - Industrial time-base generator
4572 - Hex gate : quad NOT, single NAND, single NOR
4584 - Hex schmitt trigger
4585 - 4-bit Digital comparator
4724 - 8-bit addressable latch
4750 - Frequency synthesizer
4751 - Universal divider
4794 - 8-Stage Shift-and-Store Register LED Driver
4894 - 12-Stage Shift-and-Store Register LED Driver
4938 - Dual Retriggerable Precision Monostable Multivibrator with Reset
4952 - 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
40098 - 3-state hex inverting buffer
40100 - 32-bit left/right Shift Register
40101 - 9-bit Parity Generator/Checker
40102 - Presettable 2-decade BCD down counter
40103 - Presettable 8-bit binary down counter
40104 - 4 bit bidirectional Parallel-in/Parallel-out PIPO Shift Register (tristate)
40105 - 4-bit x 16 word Register
40106 - Hex Inverting Schmitt-Trigger-(NOT gates)
40107 - dual 2-input NAND buffer/driver
40108 - 4x4-bit (tristate) synchronous triple-port register file
40109 - Quad level shifter
40110 - Up/Down Counter-Latch-Decoder-Driver
40116 - 8-bit bidirectional CMOS-to-TTL level converter
40117 - Programmable dual 4-bit terminator
40147 - 10-line to 4-line [BCD] priority encoder
40160 - Decade counter/asynchronous clear
40161 - Binary counter/asynchronous clear
40162 - 4-bit synchronous decade counter with load, reset, and ripple carry output
40163 - 4-bit synchronous binary counter with load, reset, and ripple carry output
40174 - Hex D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger
40175 - Quad D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger
40181 - 4-bit 16-function arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
40192 - Presettable 4-bit BCD up/down counter
40193 - Presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter
40194 - 4-bit universal bidirectional with asynchronous master reset
40195 - 4-bit universal shift register
40208 - 4 × 4-bit (tristate) synchronous triple-port register file
40240 - Buffer/Line driver; Inverting (tristate)
40244 - Buffer/Line Driver; Non-Inverting (tristate)
40245 - Octuple bus transceiver; (tristate) outputs,
40257 - Quad 2-Line-to-1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer (tristate)
40373 - Octal D-Type Transparent latch (tristate)
40374 - Octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger (tristate)


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